
Event Liability Insurance Program/Non-Profit Community Group Insurance Program

This website is for the exclusive of Clients of the Marsh Canada Limited (Marsh) Event Liability Insurance Program/Non-Profit Community Group Insurance Program

Participation is Voluntary and is subject to the following criteria for enrolment:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The parties hereto agree to accept that all insurance policy documents will be drafted and presented in the English language.
  • Applicant hereby agrees to the use of an online process for making an Application for insurance as described.
  • Applicant hereby agrees to the electronic delivery or presentation for download of the Policy and related documentation (including the application for insurance) for the insurance transaction. In the alternative, should electronic delivery or download of such documentation not be practical or possible for the Applicant, the Applicant may request, in writing to Marsh (at the coordinates provided on this site) for delivery of the documents by regular mail.
  • You must agree to our use of your personal information in accordance with Marsh's Privacy Policy.
  • The required coverage effective date may not be in the past and must be within 60 days of the application/submission date.
  • The parties hereto agree to accept that all insurance policy documents will be drafted and presented in the English language./ Les parties aux présentes conviennent d'Accepter Que Tous Les Documents De Police D'assurance seront rédigés et présentés en anglais.

Please note that we only accept payment by Visa, MasterCard or Cheque. Cybersource Solutions is our online payment provider for credit card. After completing your application, you will be presented with a quotation. If you decide to apply for the Coverage and you consent to the Terms and Conditions, you will be directed to the secure Cybersource site to make your payment.

At Marsh, we hold ourselves to the highest professional standards and are committed to ensuring our customers are treated fairly. Visit our website at to learn more about how we comply with our industry's codes of conduct.

If you are a broker that does not have login details, please contact a Event Liability Insurance Program/Non-Profit Community Group Insurance Program representative Please note for any technical difficulties encountered
during the use of this website, please contact the Help Desk / or call +1-855-684-1505.

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